
Showing posts from August, 2024

After a years …. #Part5

10.57 pm 3.8.2024 Sabtu Di Kampung Berangan Pondok Hellooo guys, its almost 1 year plus plus I am not writing anything in this blog yaa . Alkisahnya I tried to write something before this tapi kan bila nak post dia jadi takde perenggan so after trying too many times pun still tak berubah dan takde penyelesaiannya . So I ada tanya one of my intern friend sebab tengok dia post his blog still okay and elok je ada perenggan and he told me that he used blogspot app via phone alright je .  I also trying but still dont look keseronokkannya sebab usually I macam acah acah type gitu dekat laptop and post pun thru laptop kan but tonight cam okay je kan I tulis cemni . Ermm I want to start it again but malam ni santai santai je la eh cause I am happy to start it over again . Nak menulis banyak banyak . I enjoyed with my writing before this and I love to use this platform . Semoga I am consistent lah hehe 🌝 .  So we will update what we have done sepanjang setahun lebih tak posting anything ni . L