
Showing posts from June, 2020

Love is Unpredictable #6

This article written on 2.16 AM, 19/6/2020, FRIDAY, TREATMENT ROOM IN MY HOUSE, WEATHER: RAINY During I write this story, actually I have a mixed feeling just for the things that happen today . I happy , I sedih , I nak nangis , I malu , I letih , I serabut . Like all the feeling comes at the same time and I don’t know if I can handle this. Sekarang dah 19/6 I still tak tulis apa apa content untuk Jun sebab I really really busy with class and assessment tapi biasalah I kan macam chill je dengan semua kerja yang I buat sebab I tak nak stress-stress I nak enjoy je during my degree ni . So I do not know if ada artikel tak for this month sebab I rasa I tak sempat untuk giving apa apa information or tips but I think if you go through this artikel pun I will story something that relate to our life la. So I wake up this morning, take a bath, get ready for my classes and my group for English subject need to present for group discussion and I think everything went well sebab I tau sejauh ma