
Showing posts from May, 2020

MEI 2020 : Coronavirus, Online Class, Ramadhan

  Artikel ini ditulis pada 12.35 PM,14.5.2020, Thursday Assalamualaikum dan Hi guys. Like kenapa aku ada dua artikel yang ditulis pada masa yang sama tu sebab aku dalam mood yang baik untuk menulis. Actually artikel yang skincare routine tu aku stop separuh and will continue on the other day sebab otak aku macam blank bila nak kena tulis English banyak-banyak kan so bila tulis melayu dan santai santai macam ni penulisan aku lagi smooth dan look happy kan hahah.   Untuk artikel yang skincare routine lebih kepada nak practice my English writing sebenarnya. Muka aku tak cantik pun untuk dikongsi skincare yang aku pakai dan tu salah satu benda yang aku nak orang tahu dan belajar that yang kita kena belajar the proper way to apply skincare routine in our daily use. Hahaha banyak pulak aku cakap English padahal tadi blank kut. So aku nak story aaa apa yang aku lalui sepanjang bulan Mei ni. Korang pun tau yang coronavirus ni pun tak habis habis sejak dari bulan March lagi. Dari PKP dah

4 Step Basic Skincare Routine #5

  This article was written at 11.00 AM,14.5.2020, Thursday Assalamualaikum  and Hi guys. So if you see the title I do not know what you expected how my face looks like because even me myself do not have the confidence to show my face to the internet world. Actually why I still choose to share my basic skincare routine because I want to show awareness to all people who read this blog. I only share like a very very basic skincare routine . If you want to see more you can follow many influencers who always spread awareness about skincare routine. For example, you can find the famous blogger Kak Iman Abdul Rahim, just type her name on google then you can find more tips and products that you can use for skincare routine. Another influencer that I know is Kak Maisarah Mahmud. You can find her at Youtube Channel Maisarah Mahmud who always shares videos that you need to do and do not do when applying the skincare routine. Both of them are very humble and good at sharing their knowledge about