4 Step Basic Skincare Routine #5

 This article was written at 11.00 AM,14.5.2020, Thursday

Assalamualaikum and Hi guys. So if you see the title I do not know what you expected how my face looks like because even me myself do not have the confidence to show my face to the internet world. Actually why I still choose to share my basic skincare routine because I want to show awareness to all people who read this blog.

I only share like a very very basic skincare routine. If you want to see more you can follow many influencers who always spread awareness about skincare routine. For example, you can find the famous blogger Kak Iman Abdul Rahim, just type her name on google then you can find more tips and products that you can use for skincare routine. Another influencer that I know is Kak Maisarah Mahmud. You can find her at Youtube Channel Maisarah Mahmud who always shares videos that you need to do and do not do when applying the skincare routine. Both of them are very humble and good at sharing their knowledge about the routine.

I want to share a little bit of why I started to apply the skincare routine in my daily life. I started it when I finish my upper six in December 2018. I still remember when I go to all the drugstore in KB Mall because my friend, Mashi started telling me that if I use hydrating lotion brand Hada Labo my face will glow up. She suggested for me to try the trial one first but if my face shows something that not good so I can stop it. Then I browse all the internet things to gain knowledge of why I need to apply the skincare routine. After started my skincare routine like cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen I do not know why I can be confidently not wearing anything during high school and pre-university. I am sure that time my face very dull and scared. When I selfie, I am glad I am having the sun to make my face look shiny and better. Ahh whatever because I do not want to remember those days that I do not have the knowledge about that. 

I will start my 4 BASIC skincare routine

  1. Cleanser – The first step must be cleanser lah kan. So the function is to make sure that your face will be clean out of oil and dirt. For cleanser, you have a lot of products you can try as long as suitable for your skin. Before you buy the cleanser you can try to do a patch test to know what kind of skin you have. Like dry or oily or sensitive skin. (#this test you can google on the internet).I have oily skin and I use Hada Labo cleanser for oily skin. You can try and error the products that you use so you can find the suitable one.
  2. Toner – Like I said at the above that I use Hydrating Lotion Hada Labo for toner. The function of a toner is to keep your skin stay hydrated. As you need to know that hydration is a key to have a glowing face. Another product that you can use is simple for sensitive skin (I saw my cousin got better when using this to treat her sensitive face).
  3. Moisturiser – This is another important step that you need to do in your skincare routine. This step will make sure your face keeps moisturize and can less dull. I am using Simple Moisturiser which is the cheap one among the premium product I think.
  4. Sunscreen – This is the most important step in the skincare routine. If you skip this step then the other step you do before does not mean anything. Sunscreen can lock all the products that you use before. There can protect your face from the sun. You can avoid sunburn. I am currently using Skin Aqua Sunplay (white color) which is the most affordable.
    Cleanser that I use


The product that I use

I am sorry if my article cannot satisfy your feeling to know about the skincare routine but I hope this article can help you to know much about it. Disclaimer I am not telling that my product is suitable for your skin and you need to try more product to know which one is suitable for you. If you use the product and find that something wrong about the product please stop.

 Thank you for spending your time here. Let share your knowledge about the skincare routine in the comment. Don’t forget to smile and happy fasting J



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