
Showing posts from April, 2020

Taiping is a part of my journey

This story written on 11.34 PM 15/2/2020 Sabtu Hai guys saat aku menulis cerita ini , aku telah menghabiskan masa beberapa minit untuk mencari dokumen yang aku tulis cerita selama ini. Selepas beberapa minit aku go through macam macam perkara yang aku pernah tulis, rupa rupanya boleh tahan banyak cerita yang aku tulis selama ni tak kira cerita sedih, gembira atau ketika marah. Mungkin aku boleh compilekan semua cerita mengikut tarikh yang ada .  Ketika aku menulis ini aku berada dalam keadaan tenang, aku baru pulang dari Taiping, sudah tentunya rumah Kak Ti, aku juga sudah mampu menyesuaikan keadaan di university aku. Homesick tidak pernah berkurang namun aku masih boleh bertahan. Malam ni aku menulis untuk memceritakan kisah aku ke Taiping tanpa dirancang. Pada ketika aku masih berada di dalam bas untuk ke UUM, aku sangatlah homesick teruk kerana meninggalkan abahku dalam keadaan sakit . Aku memberitahu andainya aku cuti pada 15.2.2020 aku akan pulang ke Taiping. Bagi aku, t

Tips to Saving in University #4

This article written on 9.4.2020 , 4.40 PM Hi and Assalamualaikum guys. I really do not know about the article for this month will be in English or Malay because I actually do not have feeling to write due to MCO.  First of all , I would like to wish Salam Nisfu Syaaban to all my friends and I take this chance to say I am sorry to all my wrong doing that I already done for you. May Allah ease everything in what we do in our life.I do not know if I can finish this articles today or I will continue later.So for today I will talk some thought that I learn from this MCO.We already done for day twenty three and we have 5 days to go. We do not know either MCO will stop on that day or will continue to many days more. I already tired to stay at home and cannot doing nothing. If this MCO continue again I maybe can talk with wall or door or ceiling in my house. But I know we need to continue the MCO if we want the virus gone and be safe like other months before this. I just want to wea


This article is written on 9:16 PM 25/3/2020 Hai semua, hari ni kita berada dalam hari ke 8 untuk Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. Tentu ramai yang sedih harini kerana tempoh PKP dilanjutkan lagi sehingga 14 April 2020 Bermaksud kita masih ada 20 hari lagi untuk survive. 7 hari yang sebelum ni pun rasa macam tak tertahan dah but we still need to do for our safety. I am blessed because I can go through the quarantine time with my family while there are some of my friend need to stay at inasis because cannot go to their hometown. Nothing I want to ask, May Allah strong their heart to face all the feels that they go through, all the sadness, worriedness about family, missing their hometown and homesick. So today I would like to share my first experience being agent bus. For the first time being an agent bus is sometimes relax and more miserable. I do not expect too much for first time. It not about profit or gain more money. The things that I want is I do not need to pay for my tick

Have we remember? #3

This article is written on March 2.3.2020 Hi guys, we meet again. For this content, I will share some things that maybe can boost up our motivation. I am not being a motivator, counsellor or anything relates to give advised but I just what to share something that comes to my mind a couple hour ago. I just watched a video on Youtube about motivation words to student that having struggles during college. It makes me speechless when I realise something that I have experienced before this. Have we remember what we asking from Allah s.w.t. Mashaallah, I am sure that a lot of things that we asking from Allah, about our parents, our siblings, our family, our friends and people around us. Asking for a good health, asking about our life, asking about our rezeki, asking about our destiny and asking about our education. Today, we can see a lot of people in university keep complain about their education. All the coursework make they stress and keep complain, complain, complain and c

Kemudahan di universiti yang perlu dimanfaatkan #UUM #2

This article written on February 17.2.2020 As people know already that I futher my study at Universiti Utara Malaysia.So I want to share some benefits that I get from this university. By having this benefit you can save more money and try something new in this life. So as first year student I do not have much benefits that I know but if I know something new, I will update soon. 1.        Aplikasi Microsoft – Firstly, as we know yang aplikasi Microsoft ni sangatlah penting dalam kehidupan seorang pelajar. Biasanya if kita beli laptop, kedai hanya memuat turunkan aplikasi Microsoft namun kita perlu beli yang sah sekiranya ingin senang dan mudah kerana apabila memiliki yang tidak sah akan menyukarkan untuk menyiapkan kerja. Untuk pengetahuan umum, semakin terkini aplikasi yang dimuat turun akan lebih moden dan senang. Harga Microsoft ini sangat mahal sekiranya dibeli di kedai atau dalam website Microsoft. Oleh itu, UUM telah menyediakan Microsoft yang terbaru dan terkini untuk mem

Tips Isi UPU #1

This article written on January 30.1.2020 Hi guys, first of all , I would like to tell you this is one part of my mission on 2020 which is write one articles for one months . This is also my contribution to society/community. Since I do not have any money so all the things that I can give is the knowledge that I know based on my experience.  Back to the topic, because this is holiday season for SPM and STPM students. I am sure that they will survey the best course and university that they want to choose to futher their studies soon. UPU stands for Unit Pusat Universiti which is one medium to all the students to apply the courses and university that they want to study. UPU provide all the public university in Malaysia so you can choose the university that provide the course that you want and they will choose the best university that you eligible to enter. So based on my experience when I want to apply the university is 1.       1-   Muat turun aplikasi UPU Pocke