Have we remember? #3

This article is written on March 2.3.2020

Hi guys, we meet again. For this content, I will share some things that maybe can boost up our motivation. I am not being a motivator, counsellor or anything relates to give advised but I just what to share something that comes to my mind a couple hour ago. I just watched a video on Youtube about motivation words to student that having struggles during college. It makes me speechless when I realise something that I have experienced before this.

Have we remember what we asking from Allah s.w.t. Mashaallah, I am sure that a lot of things that we asking from Allah, about our parents, our siblings, our family, our friends and people around us. Asking for a good health, asking about our life, asking about our rezeki, asking about our destiny and asking about our education.

Today, we can see a lot of people in university keep complain about their education. All the coursework make they stress and keep complain, complain, complain and complain until when, I also do not know. Complain about assignments, complain about people in their assignments group, complain about their financial, complain about their life in university. Different people may have different problems but still same. They will complain about their problems.

Don’t we remember that we pray and asking to Allah for make us can enter to the university and being one of graduate. Have we remember? And why now we refuse for what Allah s.w.t gave to us. Why we keep complaining about university life? why? why? why? Don’t we know that a lot of people want to enter university but cannot because their previous education not eligible to enter the university. We know that a lot of our friend want to enter the university and become a graduate but they don’t get the chances while we have a chance and still complaining.

Have you heard one sentence are repeat too many times in Surah ArRahman. It about our rezeki. Allah s.w.t give all the things that we want, not on that day, maybe in other days or maybe something better than what we want. So, have we thankful for what we get or still complaining ?

After reading this,if you not getting anything but you can find some motivation words from Youtube to boost your motivation . But if you think you get something from this articles.Lets  find some resolution to make our life better. Stop complaining and start doing. Face all the challenges and enjoy the life. Your experience can make you smile in future ;).

*I still remember when I write this article, I feel very lazy and tired with all my university coursework but I feel better when I open the motivation in Youtube

Tell me what you get from this article in the comment and may you always happy in your life J


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