This article is written on 9:16 PM 25/3/2020

Hai semua, hari ni kita berada dalam hari ke 8 untuk Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. Tentu ramai yang sedih harini kerana tempoh PKP dilanjutkan lagi sehingga 14 April 2020 Bermaksud kita masih ada 20 hari lagi untuk survive. 7 hari yang sebelum ni pun rasa macam tak tertahan dah but we still need to do for our safety. I am blessed because I can go through the quarantine time with my family while there are some of my friend need to stay at inasis because cannot go to their hometown. Nothing I want to ask, May Allah strong their heart to face all the feels that they go through, all the sadness, worriedness about family, missing their hometown and homesick. So today I would like to share my first experience being agent bus.

For the first time being an agent bus is sometimes relax and more miserable. I do not expect too much for first time. It not about profit or gain more money. The things that I want is I do not need to pay for my tickets only. What I get by being agent bus is rm3 for one customer while my total cost for my tickets to go back to my hometown is rm45. So I need to find 30 customer only. It only a piece of cake for me because there a lot of my friend will buy with me.

I still remember when 16.3.2020 I am settle with 30 customers (they confirmed and already bank in all the money to my account). But everything become miserable when Coronavirus become more aggressive and our Prime Minister, Dato Sri Muhyiddin Yassin do an announcement that Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan bakal dilakukan bermula 18.3.2020 until 31.3.2020. Start from there, I got a lot of messages from my friend and customer asking about if I can refund their money back if they cannot go back to the hometown. Trust me, all the days I feel tired by replying messages from customers who want to cancel their tickets. I become more miserable on 17.3.2020 because there are a lot of things happen on one night only. All my friends and customer become panic due to many things going spread on the whatsapp such telling that we need to go the police station to report that we want to go back to our hometown. Then there a lot of people go to police station while our PM say that we cannot do something that making us gathering to one place because can make Coronavirus ease to spread to other people. Then after that Ketua Polis Negara keluarkan yang cakap tak kena isi boring atau report berkaitan nak balik kampung. Haish then I still remember when we ate a watermelon on our last day staying at inasis because UUM take a decision to do online class until the last day of my semester 2. By tomorrow all my friends can go back to their hometown.

Unfortunately, I am handling a bus to Johor which is trip diorang 19 hb and during that day the PKP become very ketat then diorang tak boleh balik ke Johor.

To all my customer or people who taking same bus with me,I am sorry for all the mistake or misleading about information that I have done to all of you. Everything become miserable and we cannot provide a good service for you. Sorry again yang mana kena paksa naik bas 18 hb biarpun sebenarnya diorang nak 19 hb and I said the wrong place which making a trouble for you to wait for your family. I even do not about pertukaran tempat sebab banyak benda yang kita fikir haritu and we do not know about that. Alhamdulillah many of us selamat sampai ke kampung halaman masing-masing dengan selamat dan tanpa sebarang kesusahan.

*When I want to publish this , RMO or PKP already extended to 28.4.2020 . Kadang-kadang tertanya-tanya bilalah benda ini akan berakhir .

So apa pengalaman pahit yang korang kena lalui sepanjang coronavirus ni berlaku ? Jangan lupa komen kat bawah


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